

Articles and Resources

Unless otherwise noted, all these articles are copyrighted and are the property of The North American Institute of NeuroTherapy, Inc. They may not be reproduced for commercial use of any kind without permission from the copyright owner.

The article below offers a discussion of how NeuroTherapy Training is a therapeutic approach in line with the emerging paradigm in the field of psychology. It was published in The New Times.

Understanding Emotion is Changing Psychotherapy

The article below helps explains about NEUROTHERAPY Training. It offers a more simple answer  to the question, “How does it work? It talks about how NT achieves the same goals as analytical therapy approaches without having to search for underlying stimuli. It was published in the  publication,  Spiral Journey

The Answer Within

The article below discusses the importance of NEUROTHERAPY Training for those facing the challenge of a disease.
Health Beyond A State Mind 

The article below talks about using NEUROTHERAPY for helping to improve athletic performance, specifically at golf.
The Future Of Sports Psychology

The article below talks about how NEUROTHERAPY Training was and can be used to enhance a Massage Practice.
Enhancing A Massage Therapy Practice

The three articles below are a 3-part series that appeared in The Hypnotic Health Newsletter published by the American Guild of Hypnotherapists. They explain generally about hypnotherapy in relation to NEUROTHERAPY Training and how NEUROTHERAPY takes hypnotherapy into the future.
1. Embracing a Neurological Model Hypnotherapists Can Lead The Way As  Psychology Evolves
2. NeuroTherapy Training: Removing the Emotion From the Thought
3. NeuroTherapy Training: Brain Based Rather Than Idea Based

 Additional articles

I Need Help But Where Do I Turn?

Revisiting Regression: The Natural Analytic Effects of NeuroTherapy Training