The Phenomenal Brain
The Neurotherapeutic Tool that is
Taking Psychology Into the Future
A quote from Dr. David Livingstone, writing in 1850 of a lion attack…
“I heard a shout. Starting and looking half- around, I saw a lion just in the act of springing on me. I was upon a little height; he caught my shoulder as he sprong, and we both came to the ground below together. Growling horribly close to my ear, he shook me as a terrier does a rat. The shock produced a stupor similar to that which seems to be felt by a mouse after the first shake of the cat. It caused a sort of dreaminess in which there was no sense of pain nor feeling of terror, though quite conscious of all that was happening. It was like what patients partially under the influence of chloroform describe, who see all the operation but feel not the knife. This singular condition was not the result of any mental process. The shake annihilated fear, and allowed no sense of horror in looking around at the beast. This peculiar state is probably produced in all animals killed by the carnivora; and if so, is a merciful provision by our benevolent creator for lessening the pain of death.”
Many people have had the experience of facing intense circumstances as though in slow motion and without emotion.
The brain’s capabilities are phenomenal…
It is time people were offered a neurological tool enabling them to use this powerful realm of brain to enhance psychological and physical health.
That is what SUBVERBAL SHIFTING enables
The team of Snyder and Michael began their research focused on developing a more powerful therapeutic approach for people facing the challenge of disease. They conceived of and developed the neurotherapeutic tool of SUBVERBAL SHIFTING over twenty years of research. Science was showing that the physiology of emotion lessened efficient immune response and accelerated the activity of viruses. They realized that people facing the major emotional and physical onslaught of diseases such as AIDS and cancer did not have the luxury of time for traditional psychotherapeutic approaches. Psychological even hypnotherapeutic approaches were focused on the stimuli for emotional eruptions. SUBVERBAL SHIFTING was a way of using the capacity of the hardware of the brain (stimulating natural brain reactions) to achieve the ultimate therapeutic goal of managing the damaging effects or physiology of emotion.
SUBVERBAL SHIFTING is a process of stimulating a fraction-of-a-second neurological shift by non-verbal (subverbal) means.
The stimulated shift causes a take-over by purely instinctual mechanisms in the brain, likened to the experience of slow motion described by people who have gone through certain extreme, survival situations. The effect of triggering this normally rare, but completely natural brain reaction is healthy. What occurs is a dissipation of the electrical and chemical “signature of emotion” existing in a person’s body prior to the shift in brain activity.
NeuroTherapy Specialists (professionals trained by The North American Institute of NeuroTherapy) use SUBVERBAL SHIFTING as part of the therapeutic process. These professionals stimulate this healthy neurological shift by use of the SUBVERBAL SHIFTING Sound Stimulus while a person is in a state of concentration. Further, they teach clients to recreate the neurological reaction on their own. This “training of the intelligence of the body” enables people to manage the eruption of emotion in the brain and body between visits and to enhance the therapeutic benefits.